Thursday, December 21, 2017

Rights And Protections Under Adult Guardianship

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Many seniors and adults with a disability or illness come under the care of a guardian, who manages their assets. How can you be certain a guardian is acting in the best interest of your loved one when making decisions about finances and care? Approximately 10 percent of people over 65 are subject to elder abuse, and persons with disabilities are at a higher risk of abuse and neglect than the general population.

Here to discuss adult guardianship and protections for your family members are National Master Guardian Emeritus and retired Director of the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging's Volunteer Guardian Program Julia Nack; Disability Rights Ohio Executive Director Michael Kirkman; the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Service Department for Aging and Independent Living Division of Guardianship Assistant Director Jessica Wayne; and Pro Seniors Managing Attorney Miriam Sheline.

Full Article & Source:
Rights And Protections Under Adult Guardianship

1 comment:

StandUp said...

I don't know how they can quote figures when they really don't know what the figures are. It's a guess, but they don't really say it as a guess. The guess too easily becomes a reality that isn't real.