Monday, April 28, 2008


Emmy Award-winning actress Doris Roberts, best known for her role as nosy Marie Barone in TV’s Everybody Loves Raymond, narrates a video about how to stop Adult Financial Exploitation.

Financial exploitation of the elderly and disabled is a crime. It costs millions of dollars nationwide and destroys thousands of Missouri lives. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has launched a program called MOSAFE-- Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation--to combat it. Financial exploitation occurs when someone illegally uses another person’s money or property for profit or gain.

MOSAFE educates financial institutions and you, as a consumer, on how to stop attempted or ongoing financial exploitation before a senior or disabled adult’s funds are depleted.

Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation (MOSAFE)


MOSAFE Consumer Brochure
Financial Exploitation Articles


  1. Good news!

    What are the other states doing?

  2. Thank you. Good question-what are the other states doing?

    I think Missouri is very pro active and progressive by taking serious steps in getting out the word about this crime wave of financial exploitation of vulnerable victims and the elderly in a very creative and unique way.

    Special thanks to Doris Roberts and the other actors and actresses for their personal influence and dedication by using their celebrity and recognition, thereby getting more attention out to society about this national shameful secret.
