Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Conservatorship Scheme

From the Walt Disney masterpiece Beauty and the Beast:

Gaston intends to marry Belle but Belle rejects him. Gaston begins pouting about Belle's rejection. Lefou and some of the villagers cheer him and remind Gaston of how admired he is.

During the revelry, Maurice, Belle's father, arrives at the tavern in town, frantic and begging for help to rescue Belle from the Beast. But, no one takes him seriously, and Gaston has him thrown out.

When one of the villagers mentions that "crazy old Maurice, he's always good for a laugh," Gaston hatches an evil scheme, which he confides to Lefou.

The scheme:

Gaston summons Monsieur D'Arque, who runs the local insane asylum. Gaston explains that everyone knows Maurice is a lunatic who should be locked away, especially since his recent rantings about some Beast. However, if Belle consents to marry Gaston, Maurice could be freed from the Maison Des Lunes. Monsieur D'Arque gladly agrees to help Gaston by conserving Belle's father.

In real life, Conservatorship Schemes are happening every day in our country. Court appointed guardian's and their attorney's isolate the Ward in nursing homes and dissipate the estate monies in record time.


  1. It's so true. Years ago, people were disposed of by locking them away, perhaps forever.

    Now, the new weapon of control is a guardianship.

  2. The new weapon of control is not just guardianship; it is chemical restraint, death by overdrugging and dehydration - but not until they've enjoyed the last of your assets!

  3. And, they Guardians have a truck load of ammunition at their disposal to ensure that they control, seize and pocket 100% of their Wards' estates and all that they own. For example, step #1:

    1) Immediately begin to over medicate and drug the Ward with dangerous psychotropic medications into a pathetic state of confusion and an early death.

    Even though the specific medications forced on the Wards are listed on the Fed's hit list of dangerous drugs and worst drugs.

    And, get ready and beware folks, the Guardianship racket is getting ready for ..... US!
