Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Postponing Protection for Seniors

Laws to protect seniors and dependent adults from abuse by court-appointed conservators are under threat as California lawmakers seek painful cuts to close the state's $15.2-billion budget deficit.

The laws were part of a sweeping reform package signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger two years ago after a Los Angeles Times series had exposed theft, abuse and negligence by some professional conservators appointed to look after seniors.

State senators in a key legislative committee recently recommended suspending some of the reforms for a year, thereby saving $17.4 million. The money was intended to help probate courts improve supervision of conservators.

If Assembly members back the move, it will delay funding for the reforms for the second consecutive year. Last year, the governor vetoed the necessary funding, citing fiscal problems.

Assemblyman Dave Jones:

"Feared that further delays would leave more seniors and dependent adults vulnerable to abuse."

"I think that's a huge mistake and a huge step backward."

"A year is a very long time to allow conservators to potentially take advantage of the people they're supposed to be watching."

Full Article and Source:
California budget cuts could delay conservator reforms

See also:

Court Work Overload

Guardianship Legislation


  1. The state legislators are knowingly throwing more Wards to the wolves.

    This is the worst possible news for the numerous helpless victims of the guardianship system who are desperate for help and protection from their abusers and predators in the guardianship racket.

    The cruel, greedy individuals who have been and continue to abuse their positions of trust by illegally profitting from the guardianship system end up the winners, once again.

  2. What is wrong with everyone, all we have to do is remember ROBIN HOOD. The money was taken from the wealth to help the poor.
    The wealthy- Conservator and their attorneys.
    The POOR- elderly that are having all of their years of hard earned money taken away.
    I cannot believe that we are placing the elderly as a last priority. Mr. Schwarzenegger needs to remember that he too will get old some day and this existing nightmare can become his. The fees that are being collected by the Conservators and their attorneys should have caps with a percentage of this fee going to the courts. I believe that is the recycling of money that I know that I can live with, if it protects my parents. The biggest abusers of this system are greedy siblings that think they are entitled to some of an estate that their parents have setting aside the fact that they are and have been terrible children. Why are we protecting a person(s) that has learned how to manipulate a system, and protect them from the law. It is the ones that know the laws, that are assisting the Conservators to rob the estates.
