Sunday, June 22, 2008

Reta Cook Pleads Mercy

"I do not have Dementia!"

Reta Cook begs the County to quit pressuring her and trying to control her money and life.


  1. Imagine living all your life only to have the indignity of a guardianship put upon yourself!

    These elders should be able to sue for slander, false imprisonment, felony theft, and kidnapping!

    It is amazing that someone was able to make this video. That took courage!

  2. I agree!

    I cannot imagine the shock and despair of being less than a human being, left powerless by the court and the state to make any decisions for yourself.

    And, adding to that despair being FORCED to accept to live by the decisions of strangers who do not even know anything about you.

    And, adding to that despair the fact that the Guardian will seize and most certainly end up with your home, 100% of your possessions and your assets in his/her pocket.

    As long as this is tolerated by society, I think it's time to throw out the household budget; time to stop denying and sacrificing pleasures of life in order to save for our old age.

    Why deny ourselves anything for even one more day?
