Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elder Abuse is a Crime

* Four to 6 percent of all senior citizens will become victims of some form of elder abuse, including neglect and exploitation, according to press reports.

* Fewer than 20 percent of elder abuse cases are reported to Adult Protective Services or law enforcement agencies.

* The federal government spends $6.7 billion on child abuse prevention efforts, $520 million on programs designed to combat violence against women and spends only $153.5 million on elder abuse prevention.

* Seniors who are abused or mistreated are three times more likely to die earlier than seniors who are not, according to the American Medical Association.

* The senior population is projected to nearly double in the next 20 years.

* In order to remain in their homes, quite often they need the services of a caregiver to help with the chores they can no longer do themselves. As a general rule, the caregiver comes in, does the chores that need doing and leaves. However, in some cases, the caregiver is anything but a caregiver.

If you have any ideas on some of the ways we can make a difference in the fight against elder abuse, please share them. Senior Corner appears every other Monday. Betty can be reached at

It’s a crime

1 comment:

  1. Attention and funding is directed to the loudest voice, the squeaky wheel.

    The oldest members of our society are silenced; they do not have a voice.

    It is our duty and responsibility, as the next group of senior citizens, the next generation of victims, we the baby boomers must stand up and say STOP the abuse!

    We must continue to speak loudly not only for ourselves but we must continue to demand justice for all the victims of all forms of elder abuse and financial exploitation.

    We need to unite on behalf of our fellow Americans, who are helpless; those who cannot help themselves or speak for themselves.
