Monday, October 27, 2008

Banning Unmarried Couples

Voices for America’s Children joins Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, a member of Voices network, in opposing Arkansas Initiated Act 1 because it will endanger thousands of foster children awaiting a permanent home.

Bill Bentley, Voices President and CEO:

"With more than 3,700 children currently residing in foster care, and 500 who are waiting to be adopted on any given day, Arkansas’ children cannot afford to be denied the opportunity of finding a permanent home. Currently, over 200 foster youth in Arkansas leave foster care at age 18 without ever gaining a permanent home. This ballot initiative would increase this number dramatically and result in the state turning its back on its most vulnerable children. Voices strongly urges all voters to reject this measure."

Initiated Act 1 bans unmarried cohabiting couples from serving as foster or adoptive parents. This ballot initiative applies equally to heterosexual and homosexual unmarried couples as well as to all adoptions from public and private child-serving agencies.

Legislation signed by the President, The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act will allow Arkansas to use kinship and guardianship placements as well as provide additional supports for foster youth up to their 21st birthday. Initiated Act 1 threatens the ability of Arkansas to take full advantage of the positive improvements available in this law.

Full Article and Source:
Advocates Urge Arkansas Voters to Reject Initiated Act 1

See also:
Fight over act to limit adoptions heating up

Clergy: Vote 'No' on Initiated Act 1

For the kids: Vote 'No' on Initiated Act 1

Vote 'No' on Initiated Act 1


  1. A home is a home which is better than an orphanage. Love and security are the main ingredients.

  2. Adoption should be urged; not discouraged. Children need parents!
