Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top Ten Excuses

Are you or your family member a victim of guardianship or conservatorship abuse that has attempted to receive justice for the unjust acts committed against you and your family? When seeking restitution, has every person you contacted refused to help?

It is an old song, out of tune, but still on their list of greatest hits

Here are the top ten excuses as reported to the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse:

1."Its a court matter." (law enforcement agencies)

2."Its a state matter." (congressperson)

3."Its been going on a long time."

4."How did this all begin? You must have done something wrong."

5."You must be leaving something out. What you are saying doesn't make sense."

6."The guardian and conservator were appointed by a court; right?"

7."This is the wrong agency, get a hold of the attorney generals office. Good luck."

8."We don't handle elder abuse allegations. Get a hold of AARP, elder watch...." (Attorney Generals office)

9."We called the Social Services and they said you must have done something wrong or the court would never have put your parent in a guardianship. And in any case it's in the courts so we can do nothing." (advocacy and governmental agencies)

10."So what do you want me to do? I'm a state legislator; I make laws."


  1. After so many disappointments with officials, when help for justice was denied, I called the media; I was ready to show every record to prove my Grandma's guardian was wrong. But when they saw the Court's Orders, I was told to get an attorney because this was a legal issue; the guardian was ordered by the Court, right? It's time the larger community, including those in the system itself, understand guardianship.

  2. I was told because a judge signed orders of guardianship, then there is nothing anyone can do to help.

    Complete baloney.

    It is criminal what they are doing, and so far getting away with, to some people.

  3. To anonymous: That's absolutely NOT true!

    Any order not in compliance with law or based on unproven facts can be overturned.

    And look how Friends of Judge Phillips in Brooklyn, NY, brought his plight to light! Then the dirt came out and the guardian was nailed! She was paying herself without court approval. Taxes were not paid, etc., etc.

    Guardianship, as practiced today, is a feast for vultures, pure and simple!

    Those people are equally to blame, because they are all derelict in their duty!

  4. You're right, Anonymous 2, but to overturn the order in non-compliance, you've got to spend a fortune.

    It's all set up so the little guy doesn't have a chance.

  5. Several of these excuses were given in the case of Adele Fletcher. See page 70 of the account of that case which can be downloaded for free from John Caravella's website

  6. All of this is DESIGN....a well-worded plan, to continue to feed the greed.

    The probate club nationwide has this all locked up, nice tidy, bulging package of cash. Just think, they, they predators, don't even have to work at this or go looking for their next "mark"....just sit back, relax and it is 100% certainty the next victim, the next ward is only moments away....the judge appoints a guardian and the cycle continues and continues all paid for with the ward's hard earned money.

    WAKE UP AMERICA - All of us are potential victims of the probate racket.

  7. These excuses ring true and leave vicitms with nowhere to turn. Thank goodness there's NASGA where victims find out they're not alone and in fact, they're part of the coming solution.

    We already know no one is going to help. It's got to be all of us working hard to make a difference.

  8. Anyone in a position of advocacy or authority and refusing to help a victim is nothing more than a coward, afraid to stand for truth and justice.

  9. Cowards? Lazy? OR, Part of the buddy club?

    OR, is it they don't want to make any waves to remian in good standing?

    Judges, lawyers, public guardians, non-profit (there is not such animal) and guardians for profit et al and those who run for elected state and county offices, for example:


    Attorney General,

    District/State Attorney

    and all who work in these agencies and connected to these agencies do not want to make enemies, you know irritate this powerful and influential group in the court system.

    These folks are responsible for significant campaign contributions, as well as getting others to financially support a candidate.

    Follow the $$$$$ and the votes.

  10. The system is part of the problem. I believe that some of the worst offenders work at APS, CPS, guardianship programs, courts, etc..

  11. MARKED FOR DESTRUCTION is a powerful book written by John Caravella, a retired police officer.

    This book is based on the victim's diary, Adele's words on how this tragedy unfolded; how she was targeted, grabbed, fraudulently and illegally, by the very powerful players in the probate loop for one reason - financial gain.

    This book will shock you; it will answer your questions and show the disbelievers one rock solid example of just how easy this happens with court approval, when the players are intentionally manipulating the system to their advantage and profit.
