Monday, December 1, 2008

Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

A judge ruled that a Florida law that has banned adoptions by gay men and lesbians for over three decades is unconstitutional.

Judge, Cindy S. Lederman: “The best interests of children are not preserved by prohibiting homosexual adoption,” "The law violated equal protection rights for children and their prospective parents."

A spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office said the state would appeal, and the case is likely to end up before the State Supreme Court.

Florida is the only state with a law prohibiting gay men and lesbians — couples and individuals — from adopting children. The Legislature voted to prohibit adoptions by gay men and lesbians in 1977.

Some states, like Mississippi and Utah, effectively bar adoptions by same-sex couples through laws that prohibit adoption by unmarried couples. Arkansas voters passed a similar measure.

Full Article and Source:
Florida Gay Adoption Ban Is Ruled Unconstitutional

More information:
The Fight Over Gay Adoption Heats Up

Judge strikes down Florida ban on adoption by gay parents

Judge overturns Florida ban on adoption by gays

See also:
Banning Unmarried Couples

1 comment:

  1. Barring such adoptions at a time when abused and neglected children in foster care need real homes, would be a terrible tragedy.
