Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guardian May Be Ordered

The Clark County Guardianship Commissioner ordered that Sharoni Dagani, the wife of former Nevada Board of Education member Greg Dagani, be evaluated by doctors to determine whether a guardian should appointed for her personal welfare.

The 50-year-old husband Greg Dagani was called an “undue influence” by Scott Cantor, the lawyer for Sharoni Dagani’s mother, Joan Albstein. Sharoni Dagani, 21, has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair.

Dagani and her husband had been living in a filthy apartment but have not been updating their whereabouts with officials responsible for managing her personal trust fund and Social Security and Medicaid, according to testimony.

Outside court, Greg Dagani dismissed the allegations as “lies” and said he has never told his wife what to do. He said they are living comfortably in a three-bedroom house.

Source: Guardian might be ordered for ex-board of education member's wife


  1. Oh this is so simple. The mother just doesn't like her son-in-law.

    That's why she is seeking guardianshup of her daughter.

    There is however something I can't understand. Are cerebral patients mentally disabled?

    As far as I know this disease is a kind of neuropathy that affects parts of brain regulating muscle work and movements in general.

    What is the reason for guardianship here? What was the reason for the court to order that evaluation?

    Cerebral palsy is something a person is born with. If she could be considered mentally incapable because of that why was she allowed to get married?

    Another law abuse I think...

  2. In Illinois, if you are "physically disabled" you are a candidate to become a WARD OF THE STATE.

    Who amongst us reads the laws regulating guardians and wards until it is too late?

  3. Let Greg be heard and listen to him - that's what the judge should do.

    You're right, Polina, there's no reason for a guardianship here.
