Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Accusation of Impropriety

A lawyer for an embattled judge has criticized an ethics complaint against his client.

Lawyer George Hairston: " there was not one iota of evidence that Circuit Judge L.T. Simes (SIMZ) broke state ethics rules in a long-running estate case."

Simes faces an accusation of impropriety over continuing to serve as an administrator in an estate that began in 1976. A complaint before the Arkansas Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission claimed that Simes, as an estate administrator, received yearly $1,440 rent payments from a farmer using the land.

The complaint says Simes cannot account for five years of rent payments, nor did he remove himself from the case after assuming the bench in 1997.

Lawyers for the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission argued that Simes knowingly continued to involve himself in the case while on the bench. They said Simes filed a request to be paid lawyer fees for his involvement in the estate case.

Full Article and Source:
East Arkansas Judge Appears Before Discipline Panel


  1. Can't have your cake and ---

  2. When you read a lawyer's glib presentation, be sure to read in what is not there! They lie!

  3. This is great -- the connection is clearly shown here and it sets a record of a judge's bias in favor of guardians.

  4. Nice residual income for the Judge!

  5. You gotta admit that attorneys (and judges) have a CAN DO attitude.

  6. Many attorneys believe they are special -- they are smarter than us leaving them untouchable.
