Friday, January 30, 2009

Addressing Budget Cuts

As Governor Pawlenty released his budget recommendations, AARP urged state leaders to find a balanced approach to protecting vulnerable Minnesotans of all ages from severe budget cuts.

State Director Michele Kimball: "Older Minnesotans have been among the hardest hit by the economic crisis, and we need to ensure that we maintain important health and long-term care safety nets at this crucial time. This crisis requires that we all work together -- at the state and federal level -- to ensure that our most vulnerable can be assured of basic needs."

AARP will be studying the Governor's budget proposal to determine the impact of the budget on consumers.

The bill includes important provisions for Minnesota, including:

* Much-needed funding for state health and long-term care programs
* Affordable health insurance options for those who have lost their coverage along with jobs
* A plan to improve health care for the 21st century, including better use of technology; enhanced funding for research on treatment effectiveness; and greater funding for nurse and primary care training
* More funding for unemployment benefits and job creation to put people back to work
* More funding for the Social Security Administration to meet its growing needs.

Full Article and Source:
AARP to State Leaders: Protect Vulnerable Minnesotans from Severe Budget Cuts

1 comment:

  1. They always start at the top and the bottom with budget cuts: the elderly and children. Those who need the services most.
