Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Angry Attorneys

York County defense attorneys are reacting with anger to the prospect of not getting paid to represent indigent clients.

The S.C. Commission on Indigent Defense has suspended the payment of legal fees in all noncapital criminal and civil cases, a decision blamed on cuts to the state budget. State money was set to run out, meaning most court-appointed lawyers won't get paid for at least three months.

The commission will meet again to determine whether payments can resume.

Court-appointed lawyers represent poor criminal defendants in cases that can't be handled by public defenders and in a type of appeal known as post-conviction relief. They often are appointed in child abuse and neglect cases in family court.

Full Article and Source:
Halt in pay for indigent work riles S.C. lawyers


  1. Angry because they're not getting paid?

    In reality, they get more than paid -- charging for phone calls, reading faxes and emails, etc.

    They are more than paid. A little pro-bono might be good for them to offset their normal overcharging.

  2. I can see the steam from the boiling over lawyers who will have to find other ways a.s.a.p. of generating income. Look out probate court ~ here they come!

  3. Make the blood-sucking probate lawyers do some freebies!

  4. One thing a lawyer can't take is when somebody gets into his/her pocketbook!
