Thursday, January 22, 2009

ASA Honors Elder Abuse Series

The American Society on Aging has honored the Wisconsin State Journal's series, "Elder Abuse: A Silent Shame" with its award for significantly increasing awareness of aging issues in local or regional media in the United States.

The seven-part series, written by Dean Mosiman and published in November 2007, explored gaps in the public safety net that is supposed to protect seniors from abuse, neglect and financial exploitation.

ASA, the largest organization of multidisciplinary professionals in the field of aging, will present the award in March at its 2009 Aging in America Conference in Las Vegas.

State Journal series on the elderly wins award


  1. Congratulations! to Wisconsin State Journal and Dean Mosiman for your extraordinary talents, dedication and hard work to expose the known and the many unknown dangers and risks facing our vulnerable aging society in your in-depth series "Elder Abuse: A Silent Shame".

    I am very pleased to read the good news that your efforts in this unique series will be recognized and honored with the ASA's prestigious award in early 2009.

  2. i agree i say thanks to any newspaper that gives space to print news to benefit others

  3. This award is very much deserved.

    Congratulations to all involved!

    Be proud of what you've done and the many vulnerable people you have helped and will help in the future.

    We need more of these type series!

  4. This award for this series restores my faith in mankind.

    I went to the link. I must say I am very impressed with the vast amount of information and research that went into this project.
