Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Conservatorship is "Officially Made Permanent"

The conservatorship overseeing Britney Spears' personal and financial affairs was officially made permanent on Monday, January 5, when court papers were filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.

The agreement filed in the court places Britney's finances under the permanent control of her father Jamie Spears and attorney Andrew Wallet, with her personal affairs being placed solely under her father.

Legally, Britney "is substantially unable to manage … her financial resources or to resist fraud or undue influence" and "is unable properly to provide for her personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter."

Jamie Spears now has the "the power to restrict and limit visitors by any means."

Full Article and Source:
Britney Spears officially placed under a permanent conservatorship

See also:
Conservator Pay Raise

Prisoner People

Permanent Conservatorship

Big Money Conservatorship

No Right To Counsel

Bad News For Britney


  1. And so it that they've made it permanent, the next step will be to take Dad out of the picture so they can have it all!

  2. Oh, we need to watch this case very carefully, how quickly the sharks move in for the kill!

    Any guesses/bets: Will Britney Spears ever live long enough (before she is left impoverished) to see her guardianship case ~ terminated?

  3. When Brittney writes her life story -- years from now -- it will end up with how everything was taken from her through the conservatorship.

  4. They've got her for good - what a tragedy.

  5. 2 ways out of the guardianship:

    1) DEATH pf THE WARD

    2) BANK BALANCE: $00.00

    All of this by: DESIGN

  6. I saw a blog today about Brittney -- it told of her loss of rights, etc. Pretty well done overall.

    Except for this - the blogger was sure that Daddy would remain in control of Brittney's life forever.


    They'll be calling him in and saying he did a fine job -- but they can do better. He'll get the boot and the wolves will then have Brittney (and her money) all to themselves!
