Tuesday, January 6, 2009

DCF Closed Case

The cops think of her as "heroin mom": the alleged drug peddler who brought her 7-year-old daughter along on a narcotics deal in West Hartford in December.

The Department of Children and Families was well acquainted with Maribel Marrero and her 23-year history of drug-related child neglect, including the removal of six other children.

Agency case workers had been closely monitoring Marrero until mid July, when the DCF determined she posed a "low risk" and closed the case involving her 7-year-old.

All six of the children born to Marrero between 1985 and 1999 were taken from her because of problems stemming from drug abuse, homelessness and mental health issues.

Guardianship of the first two children was transferred to relatives after hearings at probate court. The next four were removed by DCF case workers. Of those four, two children were taken at birth after testing positive for narcotics, said sources familiar with Marrero's history.

But what of the seventh child? Why was the the mother able to shuttle her daughter around on heroin deals?

Those questions have triggered an investigation by Child Advocate Jeanne Milstein's office into why DCF closed the Marrero case in light of the mother's history.

Full Article and Source:
DCF's Handling Of 'Heroin Mom' Case In West Hartford Is Investigated

1 comment:

  1. An investigation is called for but let's hope it's not just lip service.

    Let's hope the investigation provides answers and holds people accountable.
