Friday, January 16, 2009

A Devil in His Life

Mesa High junior basketball player Blondy Baruti said that he feels his cousin/guardian is using him to help himself. Baruti added that he hopes to remain a student at Mesa and living with Terry and Laurie Blitz, with whom he's bonded and found stability since arriving here from the Congo in September.

Christian Kalanga, 25, who received guardianship in the United States of his cousin after Baruti received a visa to go to school and play basketball, tried to withdraw Baruti from Mesa on Jan.5 and 6. The second time, a crisis person intervened.

Baruti said that because his cousin has the guardianship document, he is using it to dictate his future. He said Kalanga told him before trying to pull him out of school that another school had promised money and an apartment for them to live in, if Baruti came with him. Baruti said he refused.

Baruti: "I'm not going to be your dog on leash. I can do what I want, nobody can stop me. Christian, you destroyed my life, because my family had confidence in you to be my guardian and now you are a devil in my life."

Full Article and Source:
Mesa's Baruti: Cousin using him for own agenda


  1. The almighty powers of a guardian with court approval is a frightful thing. It all sounds so innocent and caring, warm and fuzzy, but in the wrong hands this one piece of paper can make for hell on earth for unsuspecting, innocent persons.

    And, once the guardianship is in effect, in less than a few minutes, it can take years, if ever to have the ward freed from slavery, unless of course the wards money and income and possessions = $00.00, then the guardian will drop their ward ~ just like that!

  2. Unfortunately for Baruti, he will find out he indeed will be figuratively his guardian's dog on a leash.

    Or, the court may step in and assign a "professional" -- and that would even be worse.

  3. i feel so sorry for this person. it's like he is an object and not a human being.

  4. Legislator/Attorneys have written vague laws regarding guardianships and it needs to CHANGE. Write the Legislators in your State who preside on the Judicial Committee giving them cases of Probate Court/Guardianship Abuse. If/when you get NO effective response; start a Petition and send each member a copy. If/When you get no response, organize PICKET and call the Media. Guardianship Abuse is a NATIONAL problem and it stop! We the PEOPLE need to Stand Up for our Rights that Legislators have taken away from us. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! Picket with their NAMES on your signs. If they are Senators and Attorneys WRITE their titles on your pickets. BLAST them for their irresponsible and unresponsive conduct for the best interests of the Public.

  5. People turned into products with court approval.
