Thursday, January 8, 2009

Elder Abuse Unit

As baby boomers age, Ramsey County anticipates an uptick in crimes against the elderly. So the county attorney's office has created a unit to pursue such cases

The names and the details change, but the heartache remains when a son, daughter or other family member financially exploits, physically abuses or neglects an elderly or otherwise vulnerable relative.

As the population ages, an explosion of such cases is likely, Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner said in announcing the creation of an elder abuse unit to prosecute crimes against people who are victimized because of their age, vulnerabilities or family relationships.

The elder abuse unit will include two specially trained attorneys to review cases for charges, four trial attorneys and a victim/witness advocate. All will focus on such crimes as physical and sexual abuse, financial exploitation and scams aimed at the elderly.

Full Article and Source:
'Is there anything worse than stealing Grandma's money?'


  1. No mention of the abuse and financial rape taking place by guardians and their attorneys against their wards?

    Does this new unit even have a clue?

  2. I bet they are clueless - abusers often think their actions are justified. Many think they are heros.

  3. Sociopaths are multiplying like cockroaches; they are coming out of their cracks, they seem to be popping up everywhere ~ have you noticed?

    The folks with personality disorders find ways to justify their wrongdoing while blaming others for their problems and misconduct. The blame game is #1 on their battle plan.

    Sociopaths are smart and everyone else is "stupid", they do not believe rules and laws are meant for them, just for us, the little people.
