Monday, January 5, 2009

Guardian Charged With Unlawful Neglect

The guardian of a toddler who was brought in for treatment of extensive injuries on New Year's Eve has been charged after the child died.

The Greenville County Sheriff's Office has charged Lavonda Maxwell with unlawful neglect of a child which carries a potential sentence of 10 years.

Maxwell was the 29-month-old Samauri Mayes' legal guardian. Mayes had been taken away from her parents in Oct. 2007 because of their addiction to marijuana. The Department of Social Services (DSS) gave legal guardianship to Maxwell -- cousin of the child's parents.

Full Article and Source:
Injured Toddler Dies, Guardian Charged - Social Services Remove 2 Others From Woman's Care


  1. If guardians are not only charged with unlawful neglect but held accountable for such actions, perhaps they'll think better of treating a vulnerable person badly be it an adult or a child.

  2. Let's hope she gets the full potential: 10 years.

  3. I dont think any one should be judging her .let the court find her innocent or guilty. And who we to judge any one
