Thursday, January 8, 2009

Guardianship is Like Quicksand

Anyone with assets who becomes vulnerable is apt to lose everything he or she has worked a lifetime to attain, including his or her freedom.

Once trapped in the "system", there's no way out.

It's like quicksand.

Written by a NASGA member


  1. That's exactly right.

    The harder you fight, the worse it gets.

    Till now, it's been operating in the dark.

    A strong light is beginning to shine on these civil proceedings which take on a criminal nature - criminal on the part of the perps.

    People power can end it!

  2. How true, how true!

    And once you're in quicksand, all you can do is sink!

  3. Quicksand smothers the unwitting person who steps into it, just as guardianshp smothers unwitting families.

  4. Quicksand is the perfect comparison!

    A bottomless pit from which one can't escape.

  5. This is NOT how I want my life to end but saying that is not enough. Millions of people do not have any idea what is waiting for them, at least I know of these dangers which gives me countless sleepless nights. I wish the media would recognize the seriousness of this national crisis and do something about it and quit harping and reporting about the same old stuff, night after night after night. I wish they would grow up and open their eyes and finally do something good for us the American citizens.

  6. The media will open their eyes, Anonymous 5. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and persistance. But, it will pay off and the bright light of the media spotlite will shine upon the darkness of guardianship.

    We have to keep focused and determined.

  7. Guardianship is also like molten lava. It keeps coming - and gets more and more stressful until it consumes everything in its path.
