Friday, January 9, 2009

Perrelli in the Justice Department

Barack Obama has named the lawyer who represented Terri Schiavo’s husband Michael in his efforts to kill his disabled wife as the third highest attorney in the Justice Department. Thomas Perrelli, who won an award for representing Schiavo's former husband, had served on Obama's transition team.

The incoming president made Perrelli an associate attorney general and his appointment is generating scorn from pro-life advocates.

Perrelli provided Michael Schiavo with legal advice during his response to the Congressional bill that President Bush signed allowing the Schindler family to take their lawsuit seeking to prevent Terri’s euthanasia death from state to federal courts.

He led the legal team that developed the legal briefs for Michael opposing appeals and he ultimately received the Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Pro Bono Award in October 2006 for representing Terri’s former husband at no cost.

Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition: "Obama's appointment of Perrelli is just another death-peddler Obama has added to his list of nominees."

Tom McClusky, vice president for government affairs at the Family Research Council: "Any number of end-of-life issues could involve the Justice Department and having Perrelli involved would be detrimental. If the Justice Department isn't going to do anything about it, the states, what's to stop them from cases like Schiavo and even worse cases."

Full Article and Source:
Obama Makes Lawyer for Terri Schiavo's Husband Third-Ranking Justice Official

More information:
Barack Obama Would Take Back Vote Helping Terri Schiavo Avoid Euthanasia

See also:
Legacy: The Killing Judge


  1. Well, well, well.....Here is one of the major differences between President Bush and President elect Obama who is on the same page with a "death peddler".

    In my opinion, this is a parade of red flags and a major WARNING / BEWARE to us of "just who is Barack Obama?" the moral compass, character, core values and make-up of our incoming president in reality has been a mystery which is being revealed now after the election.

  2. Anyone connected to Michael Schiavo should automatically be eliminated from the list.

    He will likely be appointed no matter what -- but it's a shame and a black mark on "change".

  3. He earned an award for representing Schiavo? He should have earned a one way ticket to Siberia!

  4. This is a prime example of the good old boys network. People wanted change for change's sake? No one said the changes would be ......... for the better - did they?

  5. One administration did want the case taken from state court to appeal in Federal Court.
    Unfortunately, Perrelli who was appointed by ACLU, who did the work pro bono, assisted George Felos an advocate of euthanasia who was Michael Shiavos attorney.

    Yes, just who is Barack Obama? Where is his moral compass? Where is his character (and that of those behind the scenes who "helped" his campaign)?
    Values? They really weren't hidden, "tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are," but he's a good actor. He followed the script that had been prepared for him. If enough people wake up, he may be a one term president. Much damage could be done in the meantime though in my opinion.

  6. I also noticed that another appointment was another pro-death lawyer. I did not vote for osama.

  7. From Chicago 's crime boss politics sometimes comes slick ones who get elected president and other times they get their "Rod" caught in the wringer!

    Barack Hussein Obama & Dick Durbin
    Representative: Jesse Jackson, Jr.
    Illinois Governor: Rod Blogojevich (arrested)
    Illinois House leader: Mike Madigan
    Illinois Attorney General: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
    Chicago Mayor: Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley)

    The leadership in Illinois ? All Democrats. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago.

    Body count in the last six months: 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago - 221 killed in Iraq

    State pension fund - $44 Billion in debt, worst in the country.

    Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax - 10.25% highest in country.

    Chicago school system - rated one of the worst in the country.
    Of course, they're all blaming each other. They can't blame Republicans because there aren't any.

    This is the political culture that B. Hussein Obama comes from in Illinois .

    And he's going to '"fix" Washington politics for us?
    Good luck fighting guardian abuse.
