Monday, January 12, 2009

Social Worker Arrested

A supervisor in the program that distributes food stamps and other funds to needy families is accused of stealing $24,000 in state funds.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said Susan Curry Wolfe was arrested at her office at the Department of Children and Families. She was charged with grand theft, criminal use of personal information, and scheme to defraud and booked into the Duval County jail.

Wolfe, in her capacity as supervisor, reopened two closed benefit cases and created six fictitious cases enabling cash to be withdrawn from automatic teller machines and enabling food stamps to be used.

Investigators found that between Oct. 2 and Dec. 29, Wolfe accessed $18,459 in assistance and $6,225 in food stamps.

Full Article and Source:
DCF Supervisor Accused Of Stealing $24K In State Funds


  1. People in the public trust who steal deserve the fullest punishment possible. If the example is set and adhered to, perhaps potential perps will think twice before following along that negative path.

  2. She has no conscience. Lock her up and throw away the key.

  3. This woman is a pro at this. I would bet you that she has done this before. I hope she gets the harshest punishment - years in prison to send a message to other crooks.

  4. Throw her in the slammer for YEARS.
    Make an EXAMPLE out of her to send a strong message to others thinking about EASY MONEY.

  5. It is always shocking to hear about workers in occupations that are meant to give back to the community and/or to help the community, that steal and take advantage of their position.
