Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stolen Social Security Benefits

Robert lived in a nursing home. His only source for something special — maybe a birthday gift, clothes, a different meal — was $30 a month in leftover Social Security benefits.

People like Robert were supposed to be able to get that money through then-Buchanan County Public Administrator Bonnie Sue Lawson. Instead, the FBI so far has confirmed that Ms. Lawson stole Social Security benefits from 140 clients totaling $133,987.

Bill McMurray, the current public administrator: “She took $1,030 from Robert. Robert is deceased. He’ll never get that money back. After a while, this just becomes very difficult.”

The public administrator’s office generally handles public benefits and other finances for people who are too incompetent or incapacitated to do it for themselves. The federal indictment only confirms what happened in one aspect of the office’s finances — Social Security benefits.

McMurray: "I have reason to believe from reliable sources that this $133,987 is the tip of the iceberg. My feeling is that Social Security should reimburse all of these people and work it out with Bonnie to pay it back."

Full Article and Source:
Task turns to getting back stolen benefits

More information:
Lawson agrees to plead guilty

Lawson admits taking $118,000

Still A Mess


  1. If the courts can't/won't do their job of watching the fiduciaries, then the government HAS to step in!
    When it involves Social Security, spot checking through random monthly reporting requirements may help (to avoid massive cost increases in processing).

  2. I don't understand how these guardians are taking social security benefits from the wards and misusing them to pay themselves or pay guardianship fees or worse, like in this case. Why isn't the social security administration doing something to help stop guardianship abuse that involves representative payees?

  3. Lock this perp up.

    Anonymous, I don't believe the SS cares about guardianship at all. As long as the Rep Payee files a yearly form, that's all they're after.

  4. SS should never allow anyone connected to a nursing home to be rep payee for anybody.

  5. Bring back the Scarlet Letter. Brand this low-life for the world to see.

    Buchanan County Public Administrator Bonnie Sue Lawson is a coward, the lowest of low financial predators. You can bet your house, dog and spouse too that there is a lot more stolen money and she has a long history.

    IF the perp Lawson is not confined to a cage for the rest of her life working on a chain gang to pay back, then it is "open season" in this uncivilized 3rd world county - the great USA.
