Wednesday, February 4, 2009

ADDMS and Fortuna Estate

A state assistant attorney general recently interviewed the new conservator of Frank Fortuna's estate, which will be paid $50,000 by the insurance company of the targeted company, ADDMS Guardianship Services.

According to court records, ADDMS had removed all of the furniture in Fortuna's home, tried to sell his home for about 70 percent of its value and lost $17,000 in a risky investment.

A state investigator's two January interviews of Marguerite Hanes, the new conservator of Fortuna's estate, followed an investigator's December visit to Macomb Probate Court in Mount Clemens to review wills and estates cases to which ADDMS was appointed as guardian and/or conservator.

According to State Court Administrator Carl Gromek, ADDMS was cited in an audit of Probate Court by The Whall Group as having "multiple problems in accounts for assets and income in cases it handled."

Full Article and Source:
State probes Warren estate case

See also:
State Probe of Guardianship Firm


  1. The state should be equally liable for failing to oversee these unqualified and too-hungry guardians/conservators.

  2. Why isn't a family member the new conservator of the Fortuna estate?

  3. An audit of guardianship cases would reveal this situation in many cases in every state.

    All failed to live up to their responsibilities; they must suffer the consequences and even more important when? who? will step up and admit the guardianship system is out of control, a disgrace, a shamful failure and it is broken?
