Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bankrupt California Buys Ads

Facing a $42 billion deficit and a state debt that grows by $28,000 every minute, California has managed to find enough room in its budget to sponsor an elaborate statewide campaign to promote homosexual adoption.

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation has partnered with the California Department of Social Services and the Los Angeles County to promote a "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Family" campaign that invites homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals to adopt children.

According to a Campaign for Children and Families report, the state has sponsored two billboards promoting "gay" adoption in West Hollywood and Alameda County.

Proponents claim sexual orientation shouldn't be an issue because thousands of kids need loving homes. Robyn Harrod, spokeswoman for Southern California Adoption Agency: "They provide loving, stable and permanent homes for kids who need them."

Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, a California pro-family organization released a statement saying the state has no business sponsoring the campaign when it has decided to issue taxpayers IOUs in place of their annual returns. "At a time when the state doesn't have enough money to provide hard-working people with their tax refunds, it's a shame that state and county funds are being wasted on this propaganda."

Full Article and Source:
Bankrupt California buys ads for 'gay' adoption - Facing $42 billion deficit, state pushes homosexual guardianship

See also:

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't the state be saving foster care funds by encouraging adoption? Each day a child grows older limits the possibility of a permanent home.
