Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CPS Drops Case

Child Protective Services notified a judge that it is removing the 17-year-old daughter of jailed polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs from court supervision even though evidence shows her father encouraged her marriage to a 34-year-old sect member.

The teen’s removal leaves under court supervision only three of 439 children CPS removed last April from the sect’s ranch in Eldorado.

Patrick Crimmins, CPS spokesman: “We have nonsuited (dismissed) cases when we believe that parents or family members have taken steps to protect the children from future abuse or neglect. A nonsuit means that in our estimation court oversight is no longer needed to ensure a child’s safety.”

Full Article and Source:
CPS drops case involving FLDS leader’s teen daughter

See also:
CPS Seeks Permanent Conservatorship

1 comment:

  1. The evidence is against Jeffs, but what about the child's mother? Does the mother represent a threat to the child? If not, then the child does not need protection from the court.
