Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Former Public Guardian

Ignorance of the law is typically not a defense, but that's what a former public official used as his defense in a hearing before the state ethics commission. News 3 Investigators have been digging deeper into allegations of misuse of public office. Jared Shafer served as Clark County Public Administrator for more than 20 years. His job was to handle estates when someone died and had no known relatives who could do so. At issue is whether former Public Administrator Jared Shafer misused his office to get a lucrative contract.
Full Article and Source:
Former Public Official Defends His Actions After Term

Seven years after writing a series of articles in the Las Vegas Tribune, about the abuses of former Clark County Public Administrator/Public Guardian, Jared Shafer; many individuals are asking for help to call attention, once again, to what they consider (as would any reasonable person) to be the continued abuse of certain citizens that have fallen into Shafer's hands as a "court appointed guardian."
Full Article and Source:
Jared Shafer - 'Criminal Extraordinaire'


  1. At least there is growing awareness by his victims and the public. Until that happens across this country and public outcry at the abuses, the system will continue its plunder.

  2. Yes, there are more and more of these stories. Now if people can just put the puzzle together properly.

  3. he didn't know? I guess very stupid people hold imporant jobs and then claim they didn't know i say BS

  4. My opinion is he probably misusedhis office to get the contract. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.

  5. I appreciate that my articles are getting wider attention. It has always been my goal to make the public directly aware of the practices of certain public officials who abuse their office - and in my opinion, Jared Shafer was highest on the list.

    Though he no longer holds public office, his alleged illegal practices continue. The more attention he and others like him receive, the more likely Justice will be done. I gave Jared Shafer every opportunity to answer the allegations, but as he continues to do, he ignored us, because he is arrogant. Pride, goeth before the fall....

    D. Eukel

  6. But what good is the growing awareness of his victims if they have no right to complain?

    My parent is a ward of Jared Shafer and is not even allowed to be represented by a lawyer.

    Jared holds all of the money and won't release any for an attorney to represent my parent.

    Also, Jared has been represented by almost every elder law attorney in Las Vegas. Most will not represent my parent because Jared is their client and continues to bring in new cases.

    The system is tilted against the senior, and there seems no way to change it.


  7. Jared Shafer has stolen my parent's entire life savings in a few months. Commisioner Norheim gives him a free pass. He does whatever Shafer requests. Norheim does not allow the elderly to oppose Shafer and seek their own counsel. They are powerless. The system is corrupt. I think Commisioner Norheim takes bribes from Jared Shafer. Jared Shafer robs the elderly with a smirk on his face. He is a heartless monster.

  8. Guardian Abuse in Las Vegas by Jared E. Shafer:
    Jared E. Shafer is a master of exploitation and abuse of the elderly, veterans and the disabled. He learned all his tricks beginning in 1979 when he became a public guardian and public administrator of Clark County.
    He has been able to continue his abuse and theft of senior's life savings, pensions, veteran benefits and social security with a whole cast of characters acting as his enablers. He uses his attorneys and business associates to hide behind to do his dirty deeds, all the while laughing at his victims. He must be stopped. Read the story of one of his victims as addressed in a letter to Ms. Masto, attorney general of Nevada, who apparently is a good friend of his. See letter on NASGA'S victims pages at L.O.NV/CA Victim.
    If you or someone you know is a victim of Jared E. Shafer, please come forward with your story. Silence will not save anyone.

  9. As a prominent member of the Las Vegas community, and a ward of shafer's, my wife also fell into the abuse of this heartless, gutless unprofessional fiduciary/guardian. I pray somehow,somewhere JUSTICE will finally be servered against this FRAUD.

  10. As a prominent member of the Las Vegas community, and a ward of shafer's, my wife also fell into the abuse of this heartless, gutless unprofessional fiduciary/guardian. I pray somehow,somewhere JUSTICE will finally be servered against this FRAUD.
