Sunday, February 1, 2009

In the Matter of Murray Feingold

Supreme Court of the County of Kings

State of New York


Re: In the Matter of Murray Feingold (109058/01)

To: Hon. Ellen Spodek

I am submitting this affidavit because I believe this case is a matter of public interest. This court has the power to remove an appointed guardian for cause, or to remove the guardianship entirely if upon reassessment of the person’s capacity warrants such removal, I respectfully request the court to consider the following:

Upon information and belief, Murray’s original involvement with this court began in 2001 and stemmed from the threat of being evicted from the rent controlled apartment in which he and his wife were residing.

Circumstances gave the appearance that Murray could not take care of his financial matters. Nowhere in his case file does it explain that for all the years prior to this eviction incident, Murray supported himself and his wife better than most people could. He had purposely withheld rent, because through information gleaned from media sources in reference to “rent strikes” by tenants, he believed this was the only effective means to force the landlord to make what Murray considered to be “necessary repairs”. According to Murray, the amount in back rent claimed by the landlord to be owed was erroneous and an investigation into the matter was never had. A guardian was appointed for both Murray and his wife, Marilyn.

Nevertheless, the person described in those court documents is not the Murray of today.

It is not apparent when first meeting or speaking with Murray that he is a very intelligent person because at times he is hard to understand. He speaks fast and joins his words together. For the first few months he would call me on the phone, it seemed he was yelling at me. It was when I met him in person that I discovered that he has a severe hearing problem and is in dire need of dental work, which I believe effect his speech patterns. People whose hearing is impaired do not hear themselves speaking. In addition, hard of hearing people have a habit of saying “yes” when you ask them a question, rather than admitting that they did not hear or understand what was asked. Murray does this.

What I found most troubling when I met Murray in person was that his most essential needs were not being met. He told me that he had been having dental work done but when the bill became five hundred dollars, the guardian would no longer pay it. He also said that he had ordered a hearing aid from Hearing Aid Xpress which the guardian cancelled. According to Murray, he had a hearing test done recently and he is almost totally deaf in his right ear and partially deaf in his left. It is hard to believe that his guardian would not immediately address the issues which are so negatively effecting the health and well-being of someone under their watch.

Murray wakes every weekday morning at 5:30 am to catch the subway from Brooklyn to his job in Manhattan. On the weekends, he drives. He has been a full time employee of the United States Postal Service, for over 40 years, in an area where they are strict on performance and efficiency. He is a highly valued employee, who continually receives “Certificates of Appreciation” accompanied by gifts of value. He also receives outstanding performance awards and Perfect Attendance awards which are given out when an employee has perfect attendance, meaning no call-ins, sick days or lateness for the whole year. These certificates also come with gifts of value. Murray has been given these awards throughout his career, most recently during the years when he has been under guardianship. Ms. Thomas, his supervisor, has told me that she likes Murray and spoke highly of his work ethic.

Murray takes care of his wife Marilyn, who he has been married to for over 30 years. Murray and Marilyn cook for each other, do their own laundry, wash dishes and do other chores. They exist without any outside help. After working all day, Murray goes out to collect cans and bottles to cash in and give what money he collects to Marilyn, since the guardian only gives her 80 dollars a month out of her income. According to family members, Marilyn has become much more introverted since the guardianships. To try to improve the situation, Murray was resourceful enough to enter into therapy with a marriage counsellor, which he paid for out of his own funds.

Murray owns and drives a car and loves to take vacations. They both enjoy travelling and within recent years they have travelled all over even as far as Nashville Tennessee because of their love of country music.

Murray not only works full time, by he also works overtime on weekends and holidays to help pay for these trips which he refers to as vacations. However, according to Murray, the guardian gives him an allowance of $325 every 2 weeks which he uses to pay some bills, but in addition requires Murray to provide them with fifteen hundred dollars each pay period. Murray is forced to work overtime in order to be able to do this since his base pay is less than the fifteen hundred. Murray’s base salary is approximately $50,000 a year. Although I saw an Order permitting the guardian access to Murray’s base pay, I could find no Order allowing the guardian access to his overtime money.

Copies of payments made by the guardian on behalf of Murray are impossible to decipher. Many of Murray's overdue bills to places like cable and cell phone companies, as well as one credit card bill, were in arrears. Some were accumulating interest almost equalling the minimum amounts being paid by the guardian. Both Murray and Marilyn’s expenses are combined. There was no indication of the amount of fees taken out by the guardianship company as compensation for their services.

For the forty years prior to having a guardian, Murray claims, he had no problems paying all his bills, including car payments.

The guardian recently sent a case worker to the Feingold apartment to take pictures because the apartment is cluttered. However, recently Oprah and Dr. Phil have brought the subject of hoarding to light to demonstrate how thousands of people live with this problem. Most of the videos show people who live under conditions much worse than the Feingolds yet none are under guardianship because of it.

In his book on clutter titled “Buried in Treasure, Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving and Hoarding”, the author, Dr. Randy O, Frost, the leading authority on the subject, helps the reader to understand the dynamics of this problem. Frost says that one of the most promising approaches to intervention appears to be cognitive behavioural therapy, which combines the systematic restructuring of thought processes with practical exercises aimed at reducing clutter. He also claims that cleaning the house and discarding a persons “possessions” makes matters worse and causes the person to acquire more stuff than they had previously.

I learned that both Murray and Marilyn’s role models, their parents, were hoarders. Murray’s father collected and saved magazines and newspapers. So does Murray. He feels that the papers containing important events are history and should be saved. When I explained that he could always go to the Internet and obtain copies of the data, he thought about and on his own, he understood that it was all right to stop saving the papers. He has started cleaning his apartment.

Rather than read the book by Mr. Frost, the guardian took matters into their own hands. Under false pretences, they took Murray and Marilyn “out for pizza” and then created a nightmare that neither Murray nor Marilyn will soon forget. The guardian hired a cleaning service who basically considered all the belonging trash, and treated them accordingly. In addition, while they were having lunch, their two dogs were taken away to the pound. When Murray and Marilyn returned home and found the dogs missing, they were devastated. Traumatized.

Marilyn and Murray drove to the court and then around to all the shelters and pounds to try to recover the pets they loved. Finally, they were given the heartbreaking news. The dogs had been destroyed. Marilyn still cries over it.

Studies are quoted again and again about the benefits of pets, especially dogs and cats, so much so that nursing homes welcome the animals. Senior housing complexes allow residents to own and keep dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes.

I ask that Murray be allowed to live his own life. Because guardianships take away a person’s civil rights, they should only be used as a last resort. I am not an attorney but I can not pin point the clear and convincing evidence as to why Murray is considered incapacitated at this time.

Murray will soon be of retirement age and wants to be free to make his own decisions and to do whatever he wants. He can set up an online account to pay for his rent. He has family who can help him. I will volunteer to help him eliminate his clutter, by following the suggestions in Mr. Frost’s book, so that he can maintain his apartment in safe, pleasant and orderly manner.

Written by a NASGA member

See also:
Elder Abuse or Slavery


  1. How can members support this cause? This is unbelievable. Somehow we have to stop this abuse!

    This blog is an incredible work of documentation of human rights abuses. I am making a commitment to forward it as often as I can.

  2. Murray Feingold is definately a slave of his guardian - and as in slavery of old, he cannot escape.

    The guardian has a chance to do the right thing and assist Mr. Feingold by having a new accessment and then petitioning the Court to end the guardianship.

    Set Feingold free!

  3. This is one of the saddest cases I have knowledge of. Mr. & Mrs. Feingold are slaves and they are being abused with court approval.

    TO THE NASGA MEMBER who stepped up and wrote to judge Spodek: Thank you and may GOD BLESS YOU!

  4. The guardian "requires Murray to provide them with fifteen hundred dollars each pay period. Murray is forced to work overtime in order to be able to do this since his base pay is less than the fifteen hundred."

    Are you serious? 1500 for what? Guardianship fees?

    This is beyond cruel.

  5. It's not cruel; it's out-and-out thievery!

  6. Elder abuse, slavery, theft WITH COURT APPROVAL and not way out for innocent law abiding people.

    If I lived in NY, I would camp out on the courthouse steps until this case was fixed and the guardians prosecuted for fraud and for murdering their dogs.

    The guardians owe Mr Feingold (and his wife) all the monies and more for the pain and suffering that they caused them with court approval.

    This is not the USA that I am proud of! Not at all.

    This type of court abuse is worse than any horror stories from uncivilized 3rd world countries.

    And, to think I served on juries because I believed it was my American duty.

    The next summons I receive to serve is going straight into........the GARBAGE!

  7. Murray Feingold has to be a very strong man to deal with this kind of abuse and still keep his sense of humor and humanity.

    And I agree with "We" -- hats off to the NASGA member who wrote such an eloquent and informative letter to the judge.

    Did the judge even read it, I wonder?

  8. They even took the Feingold's dogs??

    Horrible. And cruel. And an indication that the guardian has no empathy or compassion

    This guardian and the judge who approved of taking the dogs, should be investigated.

    Thank you for exposing this story. My heart goes out to the Feingolds.

  9. Goverment behavior like pre-WWII Socialist Germany; Fallacy of legal procedure in Nevada family court destroyed my father & his $10-40 million estate also. Despite efforts to file complaints & notify authorities, court personnel never had accountability for their acts.

  10. If he's competent enough to work for the US Postal Service, he's competent enough to take care of himself and his financial affairs.

    Murray Feingold has been targeted by leeches!

  11. This has got to be one of the worst cases of elder exploitation I have ever read about. Thank you to the NASGA member for standing up against guardian abuse.

  12. shame on the guardian and shame on you, judge, for allowing the abuse.

  13. This is truly and sad and scary reality in today's injustice system. With the current state of the economy, we will probably see more cases of unscrupulous profiteering. Ech!


  14. This is a prime example of the ultimate power and control trip of the uncaring, greedy soociopaths who are agents of the court, who are obliged to be acting in the "best interest of the ward".

    What is really going on behind closed courtroom doors is an ongoing tragedy with court approval.

    The dirty secrets contained in those guardianship case files MUST be reviewed and further action taken.

    All of this for one reason and one reason only ~ $$$$.

    WAKE UP AMERICANS you and your spouse could be next marks with no way out ~ til death do you part with your dictator.

    And, remember, in most cases transcripts of the hearings do not exist. Now that fact should scare you to death.

  15. Murray Feingold obviously took care of himself for most of his life. And now that his guardian is "helping" him, he's without hearing aids and dental treatment?

    If they'd just left him alone, he would have been ok.

    What they have done to this man is horrible.

  16. Free Mr. & Mrs. Feingold

  17. Tricking the Feingolds by taking them out for pizza while a cleaning crew comes in and takes everything they have is cruel and inhumane. And it's deceitful.

    For that deed alone, the guardian should be fired.

    Hoarding is not a good thing by any means - but it's also not a crime.

    The Feingolds should receive counseling for the hoarding problem - not receive more trauma at the hands of the system.

    It makes me sick!

  18. these creeps need a late night ride to the river

  19. This was written by a person with real heart, sadly missing in Feingold's guardian and the court.

    Thank you for the effort and caring that went into this piece.

    And thank you, NASGA, for publishing it.

  20. Did the judge acknowledge receipt of this wonderful letter?

  21. My prayer is: all of those involved who caused the Feingold's so much pain and loss of money have the same experience.
