Monday, February 9, 2009

Rell's Surprise

Nobody knew that Gov. Rell was actually paying attention to the behavior of this rogue judiciary that has been doing as it pleases for the past 300 years. It appeared she was behind the plan recently proposed by the judges to study consolidation of the courts, for the zillionth time.

That is until she told the entire state that the problem isn't merely an outdated, nearly bankrupt and oversized court system that pays full-time salaries for part-time work.

The issue is how vulnerable people are treated. Recall the probate horror stories of Daniel Gross, Marilyn Plank and Margot Claus, who were stripped of their freedom and placed in nursing facilities in probate court-sanctioned kidnappings.

Rell: "It's long since time that bereaved families not add to their anguish by fighting an outdated and sometimes irresponsible probate system. Our system is antiquated and broken. I am proposing an overhaul that will reduce the number of courts, improve services and increase the hours of operation."

Paul Knierim: "The proposal came as a surprise."

John H. Langbein, Yale Law School professor: "Connecticut is widely regarded among known experts in these areas as the worst probate system in America. The core failings include the wasteful size, judges without legal training, the perverse incentives of the court's fee system, which rewards do-nothing court hearings, and self-serving judges who fight reform."

Rep. Bob Godfrey: "Some of my colleagues are going to try to protect their judges. The phone calls have already started."

Rell's bold move represents a devastating blow, eliminating 81 of the system's 117 judges. The last person to suggest an idea like this, former probate administrator James Lawlor, was gracelessly sacked.

Full Article and Source:
Rell Makes Strong Move Against Probate

See also:
Massive Overhaul

Rick Green's column appears on Tuesdays and Fridays.


  1. Way to go, Gov. Rell -- and Rick Green!

  2. Well, this is welcome news; I hope Gov Rell stands FIRM under pressure from those of power and influence:

    "Some of my colleagues are going to try to protect their judges. The phone calls have already started."

    Protect their judges? Why? It's time to break up the good old boys and gals club.

    We the little people are watching.

  3. Full time salaries for part time work....well now, no wonder they fight so hard to resist reform!

  4. Throw all the bums out and hire lawyers! Then they can be grieved against!

  5. There seems to be a lot of cronyism within the Greenwich Probate. They are all golf buddies. They all wash each others hands. Lets keep the limelight on All the corrupt probate courts throught the state. They might pretend to do the right thing when big brother is looking over their shoulders...........hmmmmm
