Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rondos Pleads Not Guilty

A lawyer has pleaded not guilty to charges of stealing more than $4 million he was supposed to manage for incapacitated children and elderly people.

Steven Rondos entered the plea after being returned for arraignment on grand larceny and other charges in Manhattan's state Supreme Court. Justice Daniel FitzGerald set bail at $2 million and told Rondos to return to court Feb. 19.

Prosecutor Judith Weinstock says the 43-year-old lawyer spent most of the money on a $1.4 million home in Ridgewood, N.J., where he lives with wife and law partner Camille Raia (RAY'-uh) and their three children.

Rondos faces 25 years in prison if convicted.

NY lawyer says not guilty to bilking kids, elderly

See also:


  1. I think it likely that Rondos did nothing worse than most lawyers involved in guardianships do. Legalized theft is standard.

    So, what did Rondos do that they singled him out of the crowd of pirates?

  2. Do you ever wonder what is in the minds of these people? I do. Of course, his wife is one of the same.

    Our attorney's wife is well aware of his shenanigans because she works in his office. I can't bare to think of these people raising children;but I guess they do.

    I just can't get over how many of them exist. Attorneys are more common than plumbers.

  3. Maybe he got careless so he was thrown to the wolves? 25 years in prison is a good beginning.

  4. Now, now -- he may not be lying, here. He said he's not guilty of stealing more than $4 mil.

    Could be the truth.

    Could be he stole a measley $399 mil!

  5. It is a very shameful act and he is not alone in this. He has a partner - his wife. If she claims that she had no clue, then she is pretty pathetic. I guess she never questioned him were all the money was coming from? What kind of ethics and morals are they teaching their children. He deserves to be punished along with his spouse. I feel for the children and of course any immediate family members that probably thought he was a hard working man and this is how he obtained his millions -from hard work. Boy were they duped. I wonder how many properties that he was guardian of that he sold under the noses of these poor people? This is so shameful especially at at a time when people are struggling, are losing their jobs and homes and you have people like Raia and Rondos stealing from incapacited, sick people. For shame. They should face the consequences and be punished so as to possibly deter anyone else who has ideas of stealing from the accounts they are guardians of. The system should be overhauled and regular examinations of the these so called "guardians" should take place.
