Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Tough Choices" Budget

According to Chancellor William B. Chandler IV is the Delaware Office of the Public Guardian, the office of last resort for those who can no longer manage their own affairs and have no one else to do it.

More staff, more money, more tools are needed to address the increasing demand, and Chandler, the top judicial officer in the Court of Chancery, which oversees the Office of the Public Guardian, noted in a letter to Gov. Jack Markell that a July review by the National Guardianship Association will bring other recommendations.

"It is no exaggeration to say that the ability of the Office of the Public Guardian to accommodate its wards is at the breaking point," Chandler wrote.

The timing for those requests couldn't be much worse, with Markell and all state agencies looking for ways to plug an estimated $750 million gouge in 2010 revenue. In his budget address this month, the governor acknowledged that legitimate requests and services had been cut from his "tough choices" budget. The Office of Public Guardian's already small $500,000 budget would be trimmed a bit more.

Full Article and Source:
Guardians of helpless ask Del. for help


  1. I do not know about this specific office, but in general, if the office of public guardian stuck to its job -- and just its job, there would be plenty of funds available.

    There aren't that many who can't manage their affairs and have no one else to do it. Except of course, the homeless, and the public guardian doesn't take care of them.

  2. Baloney.

    Public Guardians help themselves to our elderly's hard earned savings just like the professionals do.

    Hundreds of thousands of dollars wrongfully go through their hands.

  3. I agree with Anonymous 2, the public guardian has his/her hands in many pocket books of the elderly and that's more than enough funding.

    These people are crying wolf.

  4. I also agree with Anony 2, this poor mouth they're putting out is baloney.

  5. The Delaware guardianship system is by far the most corrupt of all the systems I have reviewed and I have reviewed hundreds of cases. It is a good ol' boys club that is lawless and clueless.
