Monday, March 30, 2009

Will Forger Gets Jail

Authorities claim Edward Blomfield forged the will of Beverly Graham after she was shot and killed in her apartment by Jennifer San Marco just before San Marco went on a shooting spree at the Goleta U.S. Postal Service distribution center in January 2006, killing six others and then herself. The forged will left Graham’s entire estate, estimated to be worth $750,000, to Blomfield.

Less than a month after Graham’s death, Blomfield produced the will, which Graham’s family immediately contested in probate court. As the result of a complicated civil suit, in which a forensic examiner determined the will was forged, Blomfield was ordered to pay $340,000 in restitution to the Graham family and indicted in criminal court for burglary, financial elder abuse, forgery, conspiracy, and two counts of perjury. Blomfield pled guilty to all charges.

He will serve one year in Santa Barbara County Jail and five years of felony probation. Judge Brian Hill also granted District Attorney Mary Barron two additional requests: that Blomfield not be allowed to act in a fiduciary capacity for anyone and that any current or future employers know of his psychiatric condition.

Full Article and Source:
Will Forger Gets One Year in Jail, Probation


  1. This is a dispicable man doing an dispicable act.

  2. "He will serve one year in Santa Barbara County Jail and five years of felony probation."

    That's the sentence? One year in Jail (with time off for good behavior?)

    Edward Bloomfield is a serious threat to society; he is dangerous and in my opinion this is not a first time offense.

    It is most probable that Bloomfield has committed criminal acts previous (uncharged) to this outrageous criminal conduct for personal gain.

  3. One year is something - but not much.

  4. Who would think of doing such a thing? This man should serve 10 years at least. Maybe that would give him enough time to think about what he's done.

    He should not only pay resitution, but also damages and interest.

  5. SOCIOPATHS do not have a conscience; they know right from wrong; they do not think or behave in a normal manner.

    SOCIOPATHS are opportunists; they are perpetual liars and manipulate whoever or whatever crosses their paths; they are driven by power, control and greed and they love themselves unconditionally into the next con-game / scheme.
