Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crime Pass

A formal complaint alleging judicial misconduct against Judge Nancy F. Alley of Florida's Eighteenth Circuit Court (407-665-4330) has been filed with Florida's judiciary in an attempt to stop pre-crime immunity before this newest practice of criminal protection becomes commonplace in our federal, state and local judicial systems. Prosecutors acquire crucial testimony in return for granting post-crime immunity. Judges may now acquire undefined consideration in return for granting pre-crime immunity. As judges begin granting such passes to commit crime, our reliance upon laws and prosecutors to protect society and deter illegal activity will vanish.

Excerpt from complaint:
In this order Judge Alley grants; “REBECCA FIERLE, the Plenary Guardian of the Property and Person of the Ward, is hereby absolved of all liability and responsibility for not attempting to preserve the alleged intentions or estate plan of the Ward, except that records of the accounts at liquidation be maintained for potential distribution should any remain at death.” (underlined for emphasis)

An Executive Pardon is the common practice of excusing ones conduct after breaking a law and after court conviction. Judge Alley’s unrecognized and unprecedented Order creates a new road for illegal activity by granting (pre-crime) permission to break a law in the first place, thereby making pre-emptive immunity and pardons unnecessary.

Crime Pass - Florida Judge Grants Permission To Commit Crime

Rebecca Fierle is registered with Center For Guardianship Certification - an allied foundation of the National Guardianship Association


  1. This judge must be nuts!

  2. This judge should be disbarred.

  3. "31 is hereby absolved of all liability and responsibility for not attempting to preserve the alleged intentions or estate"

    It is clear to me that Judge Nancy F. Alley is abusing and misusing her position on the bench to grant favosr to her pet fiduciary, Rebecca Fierle, an agent of the court in a position of trust by re-writing the Florida law.

    How is it judge Alley can re-write the law at her pets request? Sounds like a crime to me, a self-annointed mob boss in her judicial robe playing God.

    Judge Alley and Fierle needs to be held accountable.

    My inquiring mind wants to know just how many other case files will reveal this type of judicial misconduct and manipulation of the law by a sitting judge?

    And, where is National Guardianship Association's outrage and position on this failure of a fiduciary in their Association to follow the laws?

    A federal investigation is warranted to all related to this case. At the very least, Judge Alley needs to be removed from the bench post haste. Rebecca Fierle needs to be prosecuted for using her position of trust for personal enrichment at the expense of her ward.

  4. Sue, you are right on point. The judicial committee should sit on Judge Alley and send a strong message that out-of-control judges will be dealt with.

    FL recently had meetings about the future of the courts and they got a large turn out with many suggestions.

    This is a chance for htem to show they aren't just all talk.

  5. Judges might as well paint their benches gold.

    How dare this judge do such a unlawful thing.

  6. I wish the complainant the very best.

  7. Judges are getting more and more brazen all the time.

    I am hoping this outrageous action bites Judge Alley.

  8. How much did the guardian donate to the judge's election campaign?

  9. Isn't this a cozy couple, the judge and the fiduciary? How many cozy couple's are there under this courthouse roof? Is this what the term means "being in bed together"? Must be one heck of a big bed, ey?

  10. Pre-approving unknown crimes in the land of Senior Citizens?

    I think the tourist trade wouldn't approve.

  11. Didn't you know that Judge Nancy F. Alley walks on water?

    She has quite a following, so either this higher than God attitude and related activities are terminated, cut off now, we better get ready for more judges who have taken on the roll of legislator while walking on water with their courthouse pals.

  12. I think most judges overseeing (and I use that word lightly) guardianship cases think they walk on water. And why not? They bankrupt the families before them, so they know their actions are rarely appealed. And the judicial discipline committees are a joke, so no danger there.

  13. This case sounds like organized crime with the mob boss boss hog wearing a judicial robe as a costume hanging on to the bench for all it's worth. This guardianship stuff is an industry nothing to do with taking care of the ward. A ward means profits and that's the bottom line.

  14. Judge Nancy F. Alley is absolving a fiduciary an agent of the court BEFORE Rebecca Fierle in a position of trust as a guardian begins breaching her fiduciary duty? Isn't motive and intent part of criminal process? I didn't know judges had this type of heavenly power imagine that. I don't think even the Pope would absolve someone, anyone, of all of their sins BEFORE the misdeeds were a done deal.

  15. She's horrible, and should have been removed from the bench almost immediately after she was "elected." Read about her electoral misconduct at 699 So.2d 1369. Tragic that the people of Seminole County are saddled with someone of this caliber.

  16. I agree fierle needs to be held accontable for her actions, as the old saying goes, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. and thats also in the wiccan Rede as well, concerning the three fold law.
