Friday, April 24, 2009


I felt like a failure.

I felt like I let my husband down.

It made me feel that there was something wrong with me --that I am not good enough to care for him.

They took away all my rights and freedom.

No marriage. No pride. No hope. No future.

There are days I feel like giving up and stopping the fight.

But I keep in mind if I were to do that, my husband would have no-one.

I am drained emotionally.

I cannot stay focused on my job.

I am forgetful on simple tasks.

I never used to be this way.


  1. Guardianship abuse drains every ounce of energy we have and also drains our spirit.

  2. Keep fighting for your husband, he is depending on you to be his voice.

    I find it outrageous and very wrong that the guardianship system by design allows for someone, anyone other than the spouse to make ALL decisions.

    I recall marriage vows are "for better, for worse in sickness and in health" nowhere do the marriage vows stipulate "until the court appoints a guardian" in your place!

    Every hour of every day in every state in every county in the USA, Guardianship system is seizing, stealing from the family unit: grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, children, and husbands and wives.

    Wake Up America look around your family, someone will end up in the guardianship racket and what will YOU do and where will go to beg for help when it's your turn to be blindsided?

  3. I know you felt lik a failure, but you weren't. You did the best you can and no one can ask for more than that.

  4. It is almost impossible to have any fairness or normal thinking process in the probate guardianship system because it's all about who is going to get the money at the ward's expense. What a tragedy that is repeated again and again and again.

  5. The one thing you are not is a failure.

  6. You are a brave person and a survivor. Your pain will never really go away, but it will make you stronger for sure.

  7. Guardianship effectively divorces people who have been married for years.

    Another tragic result.

  8. You are an inspiration and your husband's source of strength.

  9. The Guardianship Scam in these courts and their evil doings is meant to emotionally and spiritually breakdown family members so they can
    steal our loved ones away from us and plunder their assets lining their own FAT wallets. Once they get family out of they way with their fabricated reports, and restraints, it's home free for these thieves who don't give a second thought to our loved ones well being or premature deaths in their warehouse: long term care facilities. They just look for the next victim to fill the bed while indigents are left with no services because they don't want them if they have no money to steal!
