Sunday, April 26, 2009

Elder Abuse Sucks


  1. We should have those rallies all across the country!

    The only action our government hears if when we stand up and R-O-A-R!

  2. Is any of the money alloted for elder abuse being used to investigate the abuse caused by taking away the freedoms and assets of victims of unnecessary and forced guardianships and conservatorships??

  3. Wow -- this video is very well done. It's from 2007? I wonder how IA is doing now.

  4. They did a great job here -- the video is powerful and very effective.

  5. There is no doubt that there is proof of discrimination against the elderly - ageism is alive and progressing rapidly.

    Aging not only in America but worldwide is a fact of life, the only people who will escape aging, growing older and more vulnerable to those with criminal minds, are those individuals who are deceased or growing old while incarcerted where the prisoners have more protection against abuse as aging prisoners than those of use who are innocent of crimes.

    Is something wrong with this mentality? I say: YES!

  6. Elder Abuse sucks indeed!

  7. This is a good video to get the blood pumping and revved up.

    There is no excuse for elder abuse!

  8. This video is a positive way to bring attention to a negative subject. Well done.
