Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guardianship Made Me

Made me feel 'hopeless and helpless' to protect my child from abuse and stop his pain and suffering.

Made me feel anger and contempt for the Judicial System.

Made me an outspoken Advocate and allowed me to set aside my fears and to push forward.

Made me realize that whatever work we do whether in groups or individually, it has some effect as long as we keep the 'goals' in mind:

Reform so others do not have to suffer as we did/do.


  1. As bad and life changing as guardianship is, it make this member stronger.

  2. How many others are out there who haven't found a forum or anywhere to go to voice their views?

  3. Good point, Anonymous 2. At least we have all found each other and know we're not alone.

  4. All of these emotions run through all guardianship victims' veins.

    Very well expressed.

  5. We think of guardianship as an affliction of the elderly, but it happens to the young too.

    No one is safe. It's a scary world we live in.

  6. Thanks for sharing.

    I understand.

  7. Thank you for posting these insightful statements of how it feels to be a guardianship victim.

    They are painful to read, but also very important to read.

  8. Thank you for your courage. The only way to begin to educate those who don't know is by coming forward to speak out at every opportunity. Education is the only way to save others from the pain we experienced of losing a loved one to the guardianship system. We were blindsided when it hit our family, absolutely shocked to find out the truth. No one ever told us what to expect. I only wish I knew then what I know now.

  9. The pain and suffering get us down, but we're not out for the count. As this member said, we have to keep the goals in mind.
