Sunday, April 19, 2009


I was one of the primary caregivers for my Grandmother.

I deeply resent all the time I had to spend fighting for her when I could have spent that time just being with her.

Guardianship victims are robbed of so much more than money.


  1. Absolutely. Instead of enjoying our loved ones, we have to spend hours upon hours preparing for court hearings and fighting the guardian.

    Of course, that works to the guardian's advantage because it it's all about wearing us down.

  2. Time is the most precious thing we have to enjoy or to offer.

    Guardians rob us of everything.

  3. I understand the feeling.

    As usual, the ward suffers the most because he/she is robbed of our time.

  4. I understand. Lost time with our loved ones is the most painful consequence. No going back, ever to recover those lost moments.

  5. It's also the feeling that the memories will be of the sad days of court battles and helplessness.

  6. I just hate it that our sad memories of our beloved family member are damaged, tainted, dirtied by the eveil abusive guardian. I am trying to learn how to remove, erase the face of evil the evil influence but it hasn't worked yet. It's like trying to say hey, 911 never happened, those twin towers in NY are still there.

  7. Yea, they wear us down and bankrupt us while they profit.

  8. I don't think the sad memories and faces can ever be erased. But, we can use those memories to feul our drive for reform.

  9. Thank you for sharing your feelings. I could not have expressed my own better.
