Saturday, April 11, 2009

This Could Happen to Someone You Love

See also:
No Outside Agency to Help Victims


  1. Thank you for posting the Fox FL investigation video for easy reference.

  2. Well, maybe we should go out of the country to get a sympathetic ear and help to get cut loose from the net of the probate racket?

    Thank you for posting this FOX Florida news segment on your blog.

  3. Applause & standing ovation to Fox News and Investigative Reporter Cafiero for your excellent coverage on the truth about Guardianships.

    By exposing the dark side you are giving the forgotten victims of guardianship abuse a voice.

    With court approval Wards are treated worse than convicted prisoners.

    Everyday innocent people are churned into products for personal enrichment.

    They are forced into silenced but through you the world will hear and see what they have to say.

  4. I am glad NASGA posted this video so everyone can see it.

    Fox did a great job. The door is open for more coverage!

    Thank you Carmel Cafiero.

    And I hope the families get some justice from this media exposure.

  5. Great video - I feel so sorry for the families torn apart by the system. The wounds will never heal.

  6. Both families should be commended for the good job they did in telling their stories.
