Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gloria Allred Files Petition for Octo-Guardian

Gloria Allred's lawsuit that claims Nadya Suleman's eight infants need a conservator to safeguard their financial interests, now that Suleman appears closer to getting her own reality TV show. Octorazzi writer Raul Roa reports that Allred announced today she is also looking into securing a financial guardian for Suleman's six older children. She filed the petition in Orange County, where Suleman and her 14 children live.

Allred held the press conference in her L.A. office this morning. Joining her was former child actor Paul Petersen of The Donna Reed Show, who is president of A Minor Consideration, an advocacy group for child actors and workers. Allred filed the suit on behalf of Petersen's organization. City News Service quotes Allred's claim that Suleman can avoid a June 22 hearing if she voluntarily agrees to the financial guardianship of her eight youngest children.

Full Article and Source:
Allred Knows Best: Files Petition for Octo-Guardian

More information:
Suleman responds - sort of - to octuplet guardianship lawsuit

Suit filed to protect octuplets earnings, assets

Foster care for the octuplets

Allred, expert on all situations, says octuplets should go into foster care

Octomom taken to court to have guardian appointed for children


  1. I do not approve of the octuplet craze whatsoever. However, they have been a money making venture for Suleman and what she didn't realize is when children have lots of money, they are snatched up by lawyers and the court.

  2. Allred doesn't know best - we don't know what her intentions are.

    Perhaps her intentions are the ride the publicity wave - and get paid along the way.

    We just don't know.

  3. I think Octomom is the biggest child of all.

    What I wonder is this: if Octomom is endangering her children, why aren't they trying to get the children away from her? I would think it would be easy, almost effortless.

    Instead, they're looking at the money. And those kids represent millions of dollars to be had.

  4. I don't go for the octomom either but I am just as suspect of Gloria Allred.

    Perhaps her celebrity has gone to her head?

  5. I don't agree with Octomom's way of life but I never realized how guardianship worked. Reading this blog is quite an education. I'm learning more here than I could hope to learn anywhere else.

    Gloria Allred is a practiced shark; she smells money, lots of potential for lots of money in her pocket.
