Saturday, May 16, 2009

Grace's Imprisonment

For five years Grace Connors was isolated in a residential facility against her wishes and denied the love, comfort and care of her only daughter, Mary Claire.

Her spirit and her health failed while in Hospice.

Who benefits from forced public and state guardianships? Not Grace; she's was never allowed to go home, never allowed to receive any care, food, or even water from her family. She was not even allowed to have a phone.

Ask yourself who benefited from Grace's imprisonment.

Grace had a Long Term Care Insurance Policy that provided for full care in her home. Instead, your tax dollars paid over $5,000 a month to confine her in a nursing home against her wishes and the wishes of her family.

Be warned: You could be next! Guardian Recipe for Abuse

May 2009 ~ Guardianship abuse victims recognized during Elder Abuse Prevention Month


  1. The nursing home handsomely benefited from Grace's imprisonment.

    Blood money.

  2. This sounds like the United States of America is allowing the probate court racket to run amuck, uncivilized 3rd world undeveloped lawless country under color of law.

    What a slap in the face to all of us who believe in following the law and especially to those Veterans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and civil rights only to be taken away with court approval.

    I am so heartbroken, disgusted, filled with shame and sorrow for what was done to Grace Connors, an innocent woman, and to her daughter who is still suffering the pain and anguish due to the criminal activities, the intentional cruelty, the torture all paid for with Grace Connors assets stolen by the greedy power monger vultures of the probate racket with court approval.

  3. The suffering this family has endured is criminal.

  4. This is a very sad story that should not have happened. It is clear, the only ones who benefited from Grace Connors incarceration is the probate loop of crooks.

    Guardianship is not working in the best interest of the wards, the system by design is benefiting the guardians / conservators under color of law.

  5. Another case of ridiculous abuse. How can we stop this?

  6. Look at Grace Connors' face -- I suppose the nursing home said she "fell".

    Grace Connors was tortured. Right here in America she was tortured.

    And there wasn't anything anyone could do to save her.

  7. Five years denied her family?


    Grace Connors' guardian should be locked up for five years and isolated from his/her family.

  8. Imprisonment is right.

    Isolation in a nursing home against your will is forced imprisonment.

    And this is how America treats its elderly?

  9. What they did to Grace Connors seems alot worse than waterboarding.

    It was torture.

  10. Grace Connors is a prime example of the everyday person falling into the trap that guardianship has become.

    The trap was lethal for her.

    I wish I could burn a copy of her picture into the minds of ther torturers.

  11. Follow the $$$$ and the votes

  12. Why is it that only NASGA gets it? Every comment is bullseye in the truth! IT TRULY IS THAT HEINOUS & CRIMINAL. I am Grace's daughter; changed forevermore by EXPERIENCING THE UNIMAGINABLE. I am by far not the only one, so I wonder what it will take to stop this form of crime and genocide. Here in America, where public servants torture elders to death as loving family is powerless(by design) to stop it; they thieve,deceive, intimidate, etc. with a smile on their face and are rewarded with personal gain & impunity.

  13. An added comment_ again from Grace's daughter. I'm watching a PBS show on honoring the WWII vets and how they wish to be recognized for their contribution. My father was a WWII vet and the torture of his beloved wife is how he was honored, remembered. The so called humans who perpetrate these crimes and treasonous acts have no conscience, only worship the god of greed, arrogance & evil. Well this country has a history of horrors that have just continued in different forms for different times. TREASON IS ONE OF THE CRIMES THESE SUPPOSED PUBLIC SERVANTS COMMIT, WHEN THE RARE LABEL OF CORRUPTION IS USED _ ITS NOT SUFFICIENT _MURDER, TORTURE & TREASON ARE MORE EQUIVALENT TO THE CRIME FOLLOWED BY THEFT, ABUSE, ETC.

  14. This is a disgrace. The irony is that in other countries the elderly are priceless lives full of wisdom and love to share. We have totally lost the concept of caring for life. Shame on us.
