Friday, May 1, 2009


I often think and pray that I died a sudden death because sickness could lead into an institution.

Memories of the horror I have seen creeps into my thinking.

I want to run away, just don’t know where.

I have missed my grandchildren grow.

I have had problems with my husband.

He has questioned my sanity, and so have I.

But one thing I know, I am not insane, just as the people who have done this to me are still breathing.

My sanity is intact, emotionally I am not.

I have smiled when I wanted to cry.

I suppress my anger.

Hurt and frustration has affected my health.

I can’t sleep thinking that at any time, a single person can take my mother away, my daughter, grandchildren, husband or me, and do as they please and I have no say on it.

There is no protection.


  1. Thank you for your well expressed comments.

    I think guardianship takes a restful sleep from all of us and never gives it back.

  2. There is no real protection, that's true. But, there's strength in numbers. And you are not alone.

  3. The memories don't ever go away - they just strenghten with time.

  4. Guardianship doesn't just hurt the victim, and not even the son or daughter who is fighting for his/her parents -- it hurs their children, the grandchildren.

    By the time the battle is over, the grandchildren have grown and years have been stolen.

    Guardianship abuse crosses generations.

  5. One thing we all learn is that guardianship abuse can happen to anyone - anywhere.

    No one is safe.

  6. Anonymous 2 is right, you are not alone, even when you most feel it.
