Saturday, May 16, 2009

SB290 Surveillance Devices

A Nevada Assembly panel was urged to support a Senate-approved plan to let patients in care facilities or their families or guardians install surveillance devices in the patients' rooms.

Sen. Barbara Cegavske told the Assembly Health and Human Services Committee that SB290 would protect seniors in hospices, nursing homes and other group home settings from abuse, and would comfort guardians of such patients who might live far away.

Cegavske: "The capabilities of monitoring from a remote location provide a sense of security to both the facility and the residents."

Cegavske said she introduced SB290 in large part because of an unexplained hand injury her mother sustained while in a Minnesota nursing home last year. Cegavske's mother has Alzheimer's disease and can no longer play the piano as a result of the injury.

Full Article and Source:
Senior surveillance proposed in care facilities


  1. This seems like a good thing - surveillance might help keep abuse by aides and nurses in check.

    But, there's that other use --- spying on the family. They'll use it for that, I'm afraid.

  2. It appears Nevada Sen. Barbara Cegavske's heart is in the right place with the introduction of SB290.

    Usually, there is swift action when someone in a powerful position, such as a legislative position encounters a problem they are able to fix the problem with the support of their fellow legislators.

    For the rest of us, we the little people, why is it we cannot get any satisfaction, whatsoever?

    Why is it, we are not heard as we continue to plead our case with every government agency, governors, state attorney generals, the legislators and law enforcement, who routinely dismiss us?

  3. I can just see guardians using this to a bad end.

  4. We begged for a monitoring system since the court took our loved one and put her in a primarily Medicaid long term care despite her wealth. We begged for intervention and a private aide to no avail.

    Good Lord! People send their dogs to doggie day care and can monitor their activities from home! Animals get more respect than our elders!
