Saturday, June 20, 2009

Judge Accused of Assaulting Mom

A part-time judge, who sometimes works at Fulton County Juvenile Court, is accused of assaulting her mother.

Judge Jacqueline Gibson and two siblings are all charged following a fight that broke out over custody of the 92-year old woman.

Some believe the family feud surrounds the mother's property and it all came to a head recently at a sibling’s home.

According to documents obtained by Channel 2 Action News reporter Tom Jones, Judge Gibson and her brother, Gary Gibson, went to their sister's house to take their mother away, since Gary Gibson is the guardian. With an Atlanta Police officer there, one side says the mother didn't want to leave.

Attorney Elizabeth Rogan, who represents Gibson’s sister Blair King: “She did not want to go. She resisted. And a fight broke out. It's a very complicated unhappy story.”

Full Article and Source:
Judge Accused Of Assaulting 92-Year-Old Mom


  1. Judge Jacqueline Gibson is getting the nasty taste of guardianship.

  2. Family feud? Sounds like what many NASGA members have been through.

  3. It's always implied that family feuds are about money. Some are, of course, perhaps even most are.

    But, family feuds are about care issues as well. It's not fair to make a general statement.

  4. Of course she didn't want to go -- hardly anyone ever wants to leave home.

    I am sorry the mother had to go through this.

  5. We've seen now the family fight -- next we should see the sister maligned in print and in court.

    Then, after a lot of back and forth, the brother will be removed and in will walk the public guardian.
