Friday, July 17, 2009

At least 6 Years in Prison

Former Jackson County lawyer Richard McQuillan said he considers it a "lifelong obligation" to pay back the heirs of an estate he said he plundered to help people in the Dominican Republic.

McQuillan earlier pleaded guilty to three counts of embezzling more than $20,000 from the estate of Robert Howard, who died in December 2006 at age 84.

First, McQuillan is to serve at least six years in prison.

Jackson County Circuit Judge John McBain went well beyond state sentencing guidelines, which called for 10 to 23 months in prison or jail, and sentenced McQuillan on Thursday to six to 10 years in prison.

McBain said the guidelines did not adequately reflect the amount of money stolen — more than $800,000 — and McQuillan's abuse of his position of trust.

McBain: "Action of an attorney like you, it damages the reputation of every attorney in the country."

Full Article and Source:
Former Jackson County attorney will serve at least six years in prison for embezzlement

See also:
Estates Bled Dry

Attorney Plundered $1Million Estate

"Easy" For Attorney or Guardian


  1. Six long years to think about what he's done.


  2. Jackson County Circuit Judge John McBain went well beyond state sentencing guidelines and sentenced Richard McQuillan to six to 10 years in prison.

    Standing ovation! Applause to Judge McBain who put effort into sentencing when he crafted a sentence harsher than guidelines for a person in a position of trust.

    I hope this felon realizes the gravity of what he did.

    I also think this prisoner should be marked as a financial predator so society can see him coming if and when he is released from his cage.

  3. It's unusual to see six years awarded - usually it's a slap on the hand and a year or two suspended.

  4. Richard McQuillan should also be forced to pay the money back to the estate he stole it from.

    That said, I'm still pleased that judge John McBain threw the book at him!

  5. The man's a thief. Well done, judge.

  6. A lawyer going to jail. Wow, usually they just get a slap on the wrist, if that, for their crimes. A great judge.
