Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blue Ribbon Committee

It's about protecting those who can't protect themselves

Hells Canyon Circuit Superior Court Judge William Acey has set up a blue ribbon committee of over a dozen lawyers to review and oversee guardianship cases.

Acey: "For a person who is disabled either through illness or infirmity or Alzheimer's or maybe a young person, underage, that has received some money in a car wreck or something like that, the law requires that guardianship be appointed for them either over their property or their person to help them with lifestyle decisions and financial decisions."

The review process is meant to ensure that these people are not getting ripped off by whomever is overseeing their accounts.

Full Article and Source:
Blue ribbon committee set up to examine guardianship issues


  1. Good news for guardian victims!

  2. I'm happy to see action --- but a dozen lawyers?

    I'm not hopeful that the Blue Ribbon Committee will do what it's intended to do with a dozen lawyers on the job.

  3. Hmmmmm a dozen lawyers overseeing lawyers? At first glance, this sounds like a step in the right direction.

    However, at 2nd glance.....

    This doesn't sound very promising or realistic. I think the Blue Ribbon Committee needs to have non-lawyer, non-connected members in order to have 1/2 a chance at being honest.

    Sorry, folks, this is common knowledge most people do not trust "sharks" or most lawyers.

    I would suggest submitting this issue to 3rd graders for topic of discussions; any guesses as to the children's conclusions?

  4. It sounds like a positive step. I am hopeful it doesn't get tainted.

  5. Anonymous 2, you should give it a chance first.

    Maybe we'll all have to move to Idaho!

  6. Only, time will tell how this works out. Personally, I hope this will be a model for other states to proceed.

  7. I hope this is successful and if it is, then the news will spread.

    I feel doubtful, but it would be really nice to be wrong here!

  8. The fox guarding the henhouse.
