Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Children of Martin Luther King Jr.

King's four children have a long history of exploiting their father's good deeds for cash. Low lights include...

* Attempting to auction off their father's private papers (which they had previously withheld from the public unless the public wished to pay a fee). These papers, including an early draft of the "I Have a Dream" speech were spared from auction when a group of philanthropists banded together and paid off the King children to the tune of $32 million.

* Demanding millions in "licensing fees" for campaign paraphernalia (mostly homemade) linking their father to then-candidate Barack Obama.

* Hurling lawsuits at one another over their parents' estate after Coretta Scott King died in 2006.

The latest disgrace hit newsstands when it was revealed that the King children are charging the National Memorial Project Foundation for the privilege to create a memorial to their father.

Full Article and Source:
Martin Luther King's Children Continue to Cash In on Their Father's Legacy

More information:
Family Trouble Over Martin Luther King Jr. Biopic

Martin Luther King Jr.: Children Have Differing Dreams for Father's Estate

Martin Luther King's Children Sue Brother Dexter

MLK Family Feud

Cashing in on Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Geez, Martin Luther King would be appalled.

  2. Martin Luther may have had a dream and I would bet he was not dreaming of what his children would be dreaming of....$$$$.

    32 million dollars?

    Shame, shame, shame.

  3. Cashing in on their Dad's name - it just makes me sick.

    I am sorry for what they're doing. And I'm glad MLK can't see it.

  4. Shame is right. Now, this will be added to MLK's legacy. You can bet he wouldn't have wanted to be remembered, even slightly, for this.
