Monday, July 13, 2009

Deal Reached in Will Fraud Case

John P. Karoly Jr. pleaded guilty to charges of dodging $1.9 million in federal taxes by hiding more than $5 million in income.

In return, prosecutors agreed to drop all charges relating to an alleged fraud scheme in which Karoly, 59, was accused of fabricating wills after his brother and sister-in-law died in a plane crash.

But under the terms of the guilty plea, Karoly also promised that he would drop his claims in the state court battle over the couple's estates and renounce any share in those estates.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Seth Weber said Karoly has also agreed to a non-jury trial to resolve a third category of charges in which Karoly is accused of scheming to get a $500,000 tax deduction for charity by laundering money through a church.

Full Article and Source:
Lawyer Charged With Forging Brother's Will Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges

See also:
Lawyer Charged with Will Fraud


  1. What a real piece of work this guy is.

    Now let's see what lienincy the deal brings him.

  2. A deal will save the taxpayers the cost of a hearing.

    However, I hope John P. Karoly Jr. will be held to some measure of accountability in that deal.

  3. Let's hope the deal was at least a hardship for Karoly, because you're right, Anonymous 2, it should save the taxpayers money.

  4. The IRS should have a permanent red flag on John P. Karoly, Jr.

    He deserves a long stay in the big house.

  5. I have just one question: Why hasn't he been disbarred already?

  6. "Why hasn't he been disbarred?" He probably has "the goods" on a few dozen other crooks in suits.
