Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In The Hands of Strangers

by Carrie K. Hutchens

In early June, I learned about the Gary Harvey case via the Hospice Patient’s Alliance and the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA).

This is a case where a 55 year old man had a heart attack, fell down the basement stairs, and ended up severely brain damaged. It is a case where still another so-called ethics committee felt it had some sort of god-like wisdom and right to determine life or death for a stranger. It is a case where a so-called ethics committee decided, behind closed doors, that it was perfectly okay to starve and dehydrate this man — Gary Harvey — to death by termination of his Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) feeding tube.

It’s difficult not to be surprised by people so coldly dismissing the life of another human being, and the willingness to put them down (to sleep) in such a calculating fashion as we now see all too often happening through, and at the hands of, so-called ethics committees. It is difficult not to be surprised, but I always am.

Full Article and Source:
In the Hands of Strangers: The Fight for Gary Harvey

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


  1. I sincerely appreciate the compassion in every word of this article about Gary Harvey.

    Thank you, Carrie Hutchinson and Dakota Voice.

  2. The title of this story sums it up - Gary Harvey should not be in the hands of strangers who don't know him, love him or even take care of him for that matter.

    These strangers tried to kill him by removing his feeding tube.

    And yet he remains under their control?

    Boy, that sure points out what's wrong with the system, doesn't it?

  3. "Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer"

    Folks, this is a very important fact about the author who has experience in the trenches; who is seeing this situation through seasoned eyes.

    Thank you Ms. Hutchens for your efforts, for drawing on your years of experience to inform, educate, warn for the benefit of society.


    I hope you are the conscience that these bullies and thugs are lacking.

  4. If the County is successful in killing Gary Harvey, then all disabled or terminently people might as well line up because the precident will be reinforced.

  5. Just who are the members of the so called "ethics" committee?

    And how to they think it's ethical to kill someone?

  6. Some people in powerful positions, have very big egos - their way or no way. And, you can bet they would never, ever in a million years admit they were....wrong!

  7. I too wonder who's on the ethics committee and how said committee could make an ethical conclusion without hearing from Sara Harvey.

    Did they hear from Mr. Harvey's guardian?

  8. Are the members of the Ethics Committee public record or are they cloaked in darkness?

    In any committee, no matter what it is, there needs to be lay people.

    The "experts" many times have no feelings. Lay people speak for the common man. In Gary Harvey's case, I bet there wasn't a person in the room advocating for him to live.

  9. Carrie got it to the tee. Nail right on the head.

    Watch out Boomers your next. This could and will happen to you if you sit back and keep your mouth shut.

    Are you going to take it. Not Sara. She has had enough abuse/bullying from them.

  10. Starving and dehydrating a person to death is a painful and torturous death. No one deserves that.

    We don't it to those on death row - we shouldn't be doing it to Gary Harvey.

    The "ethics" committee needs a name change.

  11. The Gary Harvey story makes me sick, absolutely sick.

    He lies in a bed unable to defend himself while they plot and plan to exterminate him?


    Perhaps Mr. Harvey is costing Chemung County too much money? Money is behind almost every evil deed. How does it benefit Chemung County if Gary Harvey were dead?

  12. It alwyas comes down to money and the fact that it's more important than human life. We like to think that's not true, but actions (such as abusive guardianships) prove us wrong.

    Gary Harvey's death would save the County money and would "bury" the evidence of abuse.

    It's in the County's best interest to be rid of him.

    However, now with the massive publicity this story is generating, the County should re-think their side of things. It now becomes in the County's best interest to do what it should have done long ago, send Gary Harvey home with his wife to care for him and let go of the guardianship.

    If Chemung County wishes to save face, this is their option now.

  13. Gary Harvey should be home, in comfort and with familiar surroundings and friends, with his wife taking care of him.

    EVERY MEMBER on the so called "ethics" committee would want that for themselves -- why deny Gary Harvey?

  14. Carrie K. Hutchens a writer for Dakota Voice is to be commended for the beautifully written, story on a situation that involves the right of a spouse to fulfill her duties to her husband when facing the worst possible peril of his life. If only more good folk would take time to help those unable to defend themselves in times of dire need we might actually be able to experience "The Golden Years" and "The American Dream".

    Is this happening only in Chemung County NY? I think not! Unfortunately Political and Legal Oppression is rampant all over America today, it's just more prevalent in Chemung County. That is the biggest problem I see with small towns, Once targeted, it's on for good. I believe that had Gary and Sara lived in Syracuse, Binghamton, or Rochester, he would have been home with her as soon as medically possible.

    It's time now Mr. Santuli to take another look at this case and put the pressure and your political muscle where it will do these two Chemung County Citizens some good.

    If tyranny, oppression, and fascism is ever to STOP, we have to work together as a team rather than taking on challenges of this and other inhumanities as an individual. That doesn't work!

    More at http://home.roadrunner.com/~sindelar/Feb23Schumer.htm

  15. "Ethics committee." Not an appropriate name.
