Friday, July 10, 2009

Interview With Harvey

It's a local Terry Schiavo story. Four years ago, Gary Harvey had a heart attack and fell down the basement stairs -- and was brain damaged. His wife Sarah ended up losing guardianship of her husband while trying to protect him. FLN's Sarah Harnisch went directly to Sarah just weeks before a court decides whether or not the state will take out Gary Harvey's feeding tube.

Source and Radio Show:
FLN News - The Gary Harvey Story

See also:
Life In Court's Hands

The Gary Harvey Story


  1. Here's a Catch 22: If a person does not have advance directives, the court will decide, when actually, the wife or closest family member is the best person to make life-saving/life-ending decisions when there are no advance directives.

    A bigger problem is the fact that there are cases where, despite the availability of advance directives, corrupt courts and unethical lawyers are disregarding them and making new decisions.

  2. Sara Harvey did a great job in this interview telling what the county is trying to do to her husband.

    Starving and dehydrating a person to death is nothing less than torture!

  3. Thank heaven Gary Harvey has his wife to advocate for him -- or he'd be dead and buried by now and no one would know that the country euthanized him.

  4. Most people assume that spouses "automatically" would most likely be the persons with authority to speak for and make decisions for their partners.

    Parents believe they would automatically become the spokes persons for their children if and when necessary.

    Children believe they would automatically be the persons who would be responsible for their parents.

    Assumption is the kiss of death and easily lands assuming, trusting persons in the hellhole of litigation in the guardianship system, which in most cases claims their victims til death do they part.

  5. This is a good interview and it sticks right on the subject - Gary Harvey's right to live.

    Well done, Mrs. Harvey!

  6. It's a story that will be happening more and more across the country, because guardians and nursing homes can get away with it.

    The victims are helpless to defend themselves and many don't have advocates like Sara Harvey to stand up and fight for them.

  7. Why is it that many people in society think it's OK to kill people who have suffered a major disability - such as tramatic brain injury or massive stroke?

    If it's "OK", then Veterans beware because many of the young men and women now serving in the armed forces come home with head injuries from which they will never recover.

    Is it "OK" to kill them too?

  8. Family Life Network (FLN) did a good job with this story - explaining how the guardianship is now threatening Gary Harvey's life.

  9. Sara Harvey's right - her husband is at the mercy of strangers who don't know him.

    Chemumg County should send Gary home. He should not be denied the comfort of his own home and the love of his family at this time of his life when he most needs these things.

  10. You all are so right with guardinship abuse. only those have have gone through it really know how emotionally,physically,and serious this is.

    Family who does not support your loved by frequent visits or have been by the side of your loved one or had any relationship with your loved one should not be considered or have any say in the matter.

    While Sara is the only one who has been by her husbands side every momnet she was allowed.

    How did it get this serious? Where was he this whole time? Spain?

  11. This is an important story. If the county kills Gary Harvey, then that sends a message that life isn't as precious as we say it is.

  12. This is a difficult situation made even worse by the "helpful" people.

  13. Sara Harvey's advocacy for her husband is to be admired.

  14. Wisernow, you're right on point. People assume family will speak for the loved one if the loved one can't speak for him/herself.


    Not just wrong, but it could be dead wrong!
