Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Judge Appoints Financial Guardian

An Orange County judge has agreed to appoint a guardian to examine the finances of Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman's 14 children.

A child-labor activist has filed suit against Suleman in Orange County Superior Court, alleging that video shot of her children violates a law aimed at protecting child entertainers from overwork. The suit seeks to create an independent trust for the children.

Suleman said there was no need for a guardian.

Full Article and Source:
Judge appoints financial guardian for Octuplets mom Nadya Suleman's children

More information:
Nadya Suleman's octuplets receive court-ordered oversight for finances

Finance guardian for US octuplets

See also:
Allred Nominates NGA Director


  1. Well, we knew it, didn't we?

    It's just too bad that nothing could be done to prevent this.

  2. The headling should have read, "Judge appoints financial pirate"

  3. Well, what a surprise, using the courts to seize assets, future assets of innocent babies. These octo babies under age will be modern day slaves from now til: _______ to their guardian(s) generating mega bucks, the guardian / conservator of finances just sick back and watch the moeny roll in. Now, what will they be billing, billing, billing, billing.......?

    But, who is volunteering to be guardian / conservator to help care for the little ones ie change the octo babies D I A P E R S? Hmmmmm?

  4. I am not a fan of the octomom nor the octuplets craze - this world is overly populated as it is.

    However, there's no connection at all between a video shot of the children and protecting child entertainers from overwork.

    Babies don't work.

  5. Already the vultures are circling these kids. The flock will just get denser as they grow.

  6. I the child labor activist was just looking to make a name for him/herself.

  7. Guardianship has become a sick joke! It does not "protect" and "conserve" as intended; it merely hosts a feeding frenzy for unethical lawyers and other "professional" fiduciaries!

    What's in it for the judges who violate the law?

  8. There sure are a lot of people who are "concerned" about these kids.
